An addendum to my previous post: this is so hard for me to admit in public, “I am an offender” I have been called shiny, I like my pomade, I do own a blazer (have never worn it to LP), I do have a pink polo whose collar has been popped, I have been known to keep a nice bottle of champagne in the fridge as well as a nice bottle of scotch for those times when it is called for, I have relaxed and smoked a cigar either by myself or with others, and for those that know me I generally am the tool that will bring up the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and interrupt a good evening, and perhaps my largest offender is that I do find it difficult to be myself in front of people, particularly girls. (sigh) well, I guess the first step is admitting I have a problem, and I believe in a higher-power, so I think I just have 10 more steps to go through.
I also want to add that I "rarely" write about specific people here, I do make broad generalizations, and if you find yourself thinking, "that fucker is writing about me" remind yourself that there is no way you are that fucking important that I would write about you (wow that sounds pretty arrogant ... let me revise).
Sometimes we exude little qualities that rub people the wrong way, and rub them the right way. Relationships are a love-hate thing, not an all love or an all hate thing. So if you find yourself reading this and being like, "that fucker is writing about me I am going to kick his ass." Just know that I know jujitsu and have watched the Karate Kid many times, I know the Crane. (there that is better)
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