Friday, October 28, 2005

You know what chaps my ass...

Water skiing without a Johnny Suit chaps my ass. But so does this article. I would ask you to read it before moving on to my response.

Mr. Kikis I would like to get this out in the first sentence and not bury it behind the fold. I think that you are a great guy personally and as a matter of fact empathize with many of your positions. It is a difficult bureaucracy to manage, coordinating facilities, the Duplicating Center, Conference Services, Dorm Security, Central Office staff, the Residential Assistants, the Freshman Mentors, and the Residential Hall Association. Not to mention that on the grand scheme of the university they are under the Student Affairs umbrella covering all of Student Activities and Student Life. Needless too say it is a slow, big ship to steer. I would also like to say that any healthy community needs skepticism and criticism.

Now, onto my criticisms, last time I checked every fine can be appealed, by all means if you signed out your guest and got fined, or even have a legitimate reason as to why the guest was not signed out, there is the given opportunity to appeal that fine. If you were not present when suitemates were smoking in your room and they are willing to concur, please appeal that fine. If you want to call that candle sitting on your dresser a “cylindrical tube of beeswax with a wick” (but not a candle) please appeal that fine (and send a copy of that one to me, because honestly, I would love to read it). And as far as the office keeping your candle, you really aren’t that important, we really don’t want your candle. (Between you and me though, the whole anthropomorphosis of candles? The counseling center is on the second floor, they have drop in hours).

The job description you read when you applied to become a Resident Assistant in 2005 is the one that we all live by. So thank you, from now on know that I only “pose as your life mentor.” We could be colder, give you a form, or four, and have you sit outside to fill them out. I would love to see you organize and move-in approximately 850 residents over a weekend and have it go without a hitch, I honestly wish the office would have given you the chance.

The duplicating center can be reached at 212-636-6048 if you believe there are problems with how the Residential Life Handbook was printed.

If you are paying me to solve your problems, how about a raise? If you think you could do a better job, then please feel free to apply positions in the Central Office sometimes do open unexpectedly and I am sure they could use your expertise.

Had you bothered to read the front-page article you would have realized that the evacuation drill was run so that we could comply with a state statute. However, I have a sneaking suspicion that you were not among the 14 residents who participated in the drill. Just be glad that you were able to get out and go to Starbucks to continue studying for midterms (or whine about ResLife) and you weren’t one of the Resident Assistants, Freshman Mentors, Resident Directors, Security Personnel, or Facilities Personnel that was not given that choice. Thanks for pointing that out.

I would like to think that the RA’s and FM’s are so fantastic because we have learned so much, from Leslie Timoney, John Pinto and the other Security Directors, or Resident Directors present and past, and yes, the Central Office Staff that you so despise.

Since you seem so dead-set in hating the managers of the building that you have chosen to live in I have for you a simple solution: Studio Apt. Doorman, laundry room, exercise room, cats welcome, in the Lincoln Center neighborhood for only $1195 a month + broker’s fee. It’s right there on Craigslist, there’s your solution. Now please, find something else to whine about.


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