Sunday, May 08, 2005


The difference between a BA and a BFA is generally that the BFA is a more performance-oriented degree. Granted there are differences between the two beyond that, but generally speaking colleges granting a BFA are more or less expecting their recipients to go on to perform professionally. All in all by the end of the program here I will have racked up over 125 semester hours of technique class with the rest of the degree made of dance-specific classes and electives (where my politics come in). One of the classes that we take our third year focuses on dance history, and more specifically the Black Experience in Modern Dance. Unfortunately many of the professors lowball the level of intelligence that dancers may have, we are supposed to be able to count to 8 right? Well Ms. W______ expects significantly more from us. The final two weeks of the class consist more or less of 20 pages of analysis that I am plowing through the moment. As of right now 19 hours and 15 minutes until the masterwork is in. make that 19 hours and 14 minutes.


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