Sunday, March 27, 2005

The iPod

Well, the other day, about a week ago I was robbed in the city, not bad for living here for 3 years without getting nicked once. And I was walking out of the restaurant and a guy asks for my cash, I didn't have my tips on me because I had all credit cards for that lunch (no cash until the next day). So I gave him 40 bucks and he gives me a nasty face, notices the telltale earbuds, and asks for the iPod. At this point I notice the small revolver and am excited. Earlier that day two kids were knifed in Brooklyn for their iPods. So over went the iPod. No more. I filed a report with our security at the restaurant and here at Fordham. Not that there is special taskfarce looking for my iPod, so it is gone.

So I did what everyone would do in the situation, I replaced it. It is one of those things where once you have one, you can't go without it. So I know have a new iPod photo that is going to be kept out of sight, and I ordered different headphones for it, no white earbuds for me.


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